Getting Your Own Livelihood is the art of wanting to contribute to other people’s dreams
Welcome, welcome back to this happy platform!
What joy it is for me to write from Dubai, which always makes me smile.
Being in this emirate, where everything works, I can’t help but share the feeling of admiration in front of the creators of Dubai. Here you can feel how the services are really oriented to customer service. And although the prices are high, they are worth the money we pay.
Providing your own livelihood and that of the family is a very important part of us, the Earthlings.
Y for me, it all starts with the desire to pay.
In this high-tech era, I think we’re increasingly geared towards getting something for nothing.
When you browse the Internet looking for a reference to some desired service, it is defined as an advantage the fact that it is free, and a disadvantage the fact that it has a cost.
And I ask: how can a company progress if its products are free?
How then will one generate the necessary funds to go to the supermarket to buy the milk necessary for the growth of our children?
I remember the time my first batch of self-published books came to my door, very well packed, fresh from the printing press.
Ahhhh. I was so happy to receive that order that so happily had paid a week earlier!
And now, there it was: the result of the efforts of many service providers:
- Cover designer Joelle
- The Style Artist
- The ink manufacturer
- Create Space Employees
- The cardboard manufacturer
- Packers
- Plastic paper manufacturers
- Transportation company employees
And you could go on and keep mentioning more service providers!
Bewitched to see that box containing so many days and nights of expressing my feelings that were then printed in that book Spiritual Orgasms, Vivid encounters in the Now, I opened the cardboard box.
Ahhh. Gratitude began to exude for all my pores, causing tears in my eyes.
While opening the box, my mind continued to bless the trees that paper manufacturers had transformed into cardboard.
In a way I was contributing so that they could pay their supermarket bills.
When I saw the books perfectly aligned so that they would not be damaged in the transport process, my blessing was this time for the packers …
In a way I was contributing so that they could pay their supermarket bills.
When I took out the first batch of books, as if by magic, I saw the Mrs. Economic Energy get out of the box, floating gently into my living room, sitting gracefully on the cream-colored sofa.
She smiled humbly. She was wearing a long cotton dress, with her neck up to her neck adorned with a cameo.
Her hat, which covered her brown chongo, made her look super distinguished. Evidently humility is royalty.
The sky blue of the impeccably ironed dress magically contrasted with the sofa, making it belong there.
In my living room.
Ahhhh … what a joy!
Yes. I paid for a service that wanted to pay again and again.
Personal sustainability is the art of wanting to contribute to other people’s dreams while providing the best service and being paid in return.
This, of course, means demanding the same excellence when receiving a service, having the right to expect quality in exchange for the money paid.
However, if you reluctantly pay, wanting to squeeze service providers as much as your pockets can save, you’ll be provoking a service that can’t be excellent simply because the freedom to produce excellence isn’t there as the resources aren’t enough.
Choose your service provider well, knowing in advance what you really want.
Y when you define what you want to receive from your service provider, you’ll be ensuring a product worthy of your liking, as you’re appreciating and enjoying the transaction.
Appreciate and enjoy. The key.
Y last but not least, trust.
Trusts only.
This will allow your service provider to believe in you and wish to provide you with the best possible service.
Now The Economic Energy Lady will be sitting in your living room. Constantly.
Welcome to Sustentabililandia!
Causing other people’s sustenment (in pictures)
Happy to support FabCakes and recommend its services
Thanking Piñatas Dubai, whom I hired online only by word of mouth … thank you Brenda1
Grateful for the appreciation of my services as a plush motivates me to always give more…
Always so grateful with Sindashi, fashionable art … I love to give away their pieces of art, ensuring the sustainability of the artists who make so much bliss possible…
The Bateel restaurant will always have our support thanks to its constant impeccable details
Appreciating the hotel Le Royal Meridien in Dubai, we use its services constantly.
The trust we feel for the camel riding provider allows us to celebrate life, supporting the camel…
My Heartisans attention to detail causes customers to buy more products…
Trust, Trust, trust; Smiles and more customer smiles… guaranteed sustainability!
What’s going on in your brain?
If we apply the knowledge of how inner technology works for or against us, we can really work to achieve our own livelihood and that of the family:
When you pay with pleasure:
- Your Brain detect a sense of well-being and take care of the secretion of endorphins, the happiness hormone
- Your sense of clarity will be promoted by these hormones that will make you feel good
- When you’re in a state of clarity, you can make a better decision about which product to sell or buy
- When you are satisfied with the product/service in your hands, you will have the space to appreciate the provider or service provider.
- When you let the provider/service provider feel your appreciation, your cells will expand causing a sense of confidence and the desire to give you the best will grow.
- When the sense of appreciation is in the air, the confidence expands
- When trust embraces both parties, creativity expands to the maximum
When you reluctantly pay:
- Your brain detect a sense of imbalance and organize the secretion of cortisol, stress hormone
- Your sense of doubt will be promoted by these hormones that make you feel anxious
- When you’re in a state of anxiety you can’t make a good decision about which product to sell or buy
- When you have doubts about the product/service in your hands, you will not have the space to appreciate the seller or service provider, feeling anxious
- When you can’t feel appreciation for the service provider, your cells and yours will go into contraction, and the desire to give you the best won’t be motivated.
- When the feeling of confusion is in the air, confidence cannot be established
- When trust is not available, creativity simply cannot thrive
Being grateful to one’s own mother is the first step towards true personal sustainability, therefore, family.
Happy with Emirates Airways services! I gladly pay my air tickets
Dubai … I trust you and gladly pay for the services provided
Then, you choose?
It’s up to you!
Remember: feeling appreciative and kind emotions will send you to provoke the secretion of endorphins, the hormone of happiness, provoking a quiet and relaxed space from where you will remember that abundance is what we are …
If you choose to stay in fear, wondering
- How are you going to make ends meet.
- How you will manage to keep the love of your life by your side,
- How you can sign that contract,
- How will you get a person like you …
- How to pay all those bills?
- Etc.
All these thoughts based on fear cause negative emotions that will signal to the brain, through those negative images, to produce the stress hormone…
Is this what you want?
It is not correct or incorrect It is only your choice.