The decision-making process: a platform we build
It is truly remarkable how much it moves within me when everything I do is tinged with the desire to learn, share, celebrate, CREATE, just flowing, without having to decide which way to go.
During a & nbsp; of my swims in the Mediterranean Sea with the rising sun, being in that state of creativity, I traveled about fifty years ago … suddenly listening to my beloved mother decirme:
– “… your temperature is not that high. Barely 38C (normal is 37C). Just get up and go to school!”
Yes, actually, I was disappointed. I wanted hugs. I wanted to make sure my stomach ache would pass (I often had tummy aches as a child) … but instead I was redirected to focus on moving forward, as always.
Continue to continue…
At school later that morning, I told one of my classmates that I had a fever, but that the temperature of 38C was within normal limits.
He looked at me in disbelief saying:
– “Than? That’s crazy! You should have stayed home! You have a high fever!”
I remember how that statement surprised me, questioning the judgment infallible of my mother. And I ignored him.
Now, fifty years later, I realize how much that scene in my life shaped the foundation of what I just recognized as the platform upon which we make our decisions.
A decision-making process is something we forge based on our early experiences and education. And by education I mean the education of life. Academic education here does not have a major effect.
And this platform is made slowly, just like the nest of ants. It is a one-step process at a time colored with consistency and perseverance.
Growing up, this is what my mom was giving me (and it wasn’t always nice):
A constant and persevering life in which there is no confusion or doubt:
- Get up even before the sun comes up
- Make your bed daily, shake your room and clean your bathroom
- Eat a hearty breakfast every day (my mother would personally make sure I eat it all … or else …)
- Wash dishes after meals
- Half-done tasks are not allowed … otherwise war will break out …
I think that if a good dose of hugs and communication had been added to this mix, I would have avoided getting sick from stress. However, in the end, everything worked out fine, and here I am thanking my parents for my great upbringing, guiding me to understand how to decide what.
Deciding is a simple process
The above statement may sound outrageous. Especially for a teenager in high school who is required to know exactly what he / she will choose as a career!
In fact, it is a great stress that puts teenagers on the brink of fear and despair …
“What if I don’t like this career and I’ve already invested my dreams and funds in it?”
“I want to study music, but they will tell me that it will not allow me to make money, what to do?
“I don’t want to study anymore, but if I don’t go to university I’ll be a Nobody …”
Does it sound familiar to you?
I want to share with you now how I see that things worked for me, guiding me on the path of how to decide correctly.
Seeing life through the eyes of benevolence
After overcoming fear and illness at the age of 15 thanks to a show of love through my father’s tears while I was in a hospital bed, I began to see my life through the eye of benevolence..
At that moment, seeing the tears of that giant (my father) I suspected that she was really loved; This allowed me to see clearly, pulling me out of the extremely damaging state of “Poor me“.
It was clear that I had been under the influence of “ Poor me ” by allowing denigrating and limiting thoughts to describe me: I’m useless, I’m stupid, ugly, nobody loves me! … !
Now I had a benevolent perspective from which to start:
“I am who I am. No more questions!”
I realized how I had been insisting on judging myself and ‘defending’ myself from others to justify a poverty that never really existed … it had ONLY been on my mind the whole time! ”
Now, the decision-making platform setup was strong enough that I would just let go and rest , with the support of that platform. Now all that mattered was:
- What makes feel good?
- What makes me feel likeI’m having fun?
- What makes me feel useful?
Now he could decide that he would do exactly that. Love me first .
In doing so, from being an eternally fearful and sickly child, I freed myself from myself thanks to the great support of the decision-making platform based on benevolence and gratitude.
Sitting on this Magic Platform , she knew that she was capable of anything and everything, guided by that Life Force that Creates in Constant Movement, with effortless effort.
Of course, at that time I would not have been able to describe the physiology and anatomy of my decision-making process as I understand it now. Back then I just followed my instincts …
Now, looking back at my life, I can see that my parents’ very strict upbringing was not really that strict. Rather, it was a very wise education, because by believing in the greatness in me, my parents knew that they didn’t need to treat me like a baby… sending me to school with a slight fever, telling me that I would be fine.
And now I know they were right.
I suggest that you also believe in the greatness within yourself. It is not necessary to analyze or explain with blows and excuses how much you are not capable … only knows that you can always !
And you always can.
Heaven on earth
Visiting the Paradise of Zorab and Arsine has been an affirmation of the above.
The harmony in which they live, the generosity in which they swim, the contagion of a wide flow of possibilities, inclusivity and creativity to everyone around them is truly inspiring.
Its gardens are filled with grateful flowers and trees, meticulously cared for … exuding its amazing and comforting energy on us, in a WOW! Feeling! of love .
I was fed organic apples and tomatoes from the property of Zorab’s friends, near Sannine in magical and wonderful Lebanon. As I begged you to please let me greet at the apple trees, yesterday we drove through the mystical fog, resulting in an explosion of life mixed with gratitude and wonder …
Apples don’t need to decide
A strange question?
What do you choose?
Trust me, my dear Earthling; I share with you this life experience that tells me that by choosing to follow your own instinct, knowing that everything is perfect as it is, and that everyone is good , you will be guided towards Total Freedom because with that clarity and calm you will be provoking in your brain the production of endorphins (the hormone of happiness) … floating in the direction of I feel good , in a natural way, being true to yourself in the process.
Yeyy! Welcome to Heaven!
Gloria .