Flow and Shine …


The  paradigms are the thoughts in our mind subconscious that govern our life; scientists say they cause 95% of our actions.

Which of the two scenarios resonates with you the most?

Stage 1

I have to work hard to reach my goals for a successful and abundant life!

This statement focuses on “working hard”, bringing a reality from the needto invest a great effort, knowing that we will be creating stress.

It’s easy to get tired of that hard work even before starting.

Stage 2

I am grateful for another day of life, smiles and maybe challenges that will create learning experiences to share with my colleagues at work!

The above statement allows me to feel creative, passionately motivated to flow, knowing that the Life Force that Creates in Constant Motion is within me.,  directing my trajectory in a party of celebration.

Flowing creatively or being irresponsible complacent?

Where is the boundary between flowing creatively and being irresponsibly complacent?

This depends on how you live your life:

A modus vivendis in which we never negotiate our dreams, constantly moving in coherence where our heart and brain are aligned in a direction where you feel good, aligned, serene, clear, leading to results bigger than you can even imagine.

A way of life that  It is driven by uncertainty and lack of purpose that does not care about lack of clarity; thoughts and actions are out of alignment, creating an “ahhh … whatever …” effect due to lack of self-esteem. What I do doesn’t really matter, who am I anyway? I am not enough to know how to decide …

Yes indeed it is a very fine line, super linked to the answer to the following question:

How much do you realize the miracle that you are, that we all are?

It is essential that you respond positively to the previous question if you want to flow in the magnificence of just being :

I am a  Incredible creation of the life force that creates in constant movement, like all Creations in the Universe.

You may ask yourself the following questions:
What is flow?
What flow is not
Why flow?
How can I believe in flow? < br clear = “none”> How do I know I’m in the flow?
How can I tap into the flow?
Can I just flow and achieve success?
When to flow?

What is flow?

It is the ability to simply believe that everything is perfect the way it is and that everyone is good. Therefore, it is not possible to judge or criticize oneself or others.

The flow is intrinsically connected with a feeling of clarity and inner peace, in which kindness and gratitude are at the core of your actions. This drives the brain to produce endorphins (hormones of happiness) that cause the expansion of the inter-cellular space, allowing Light to flow freely in our body and generate that feeling of clarity, peace, ahhh …

What Flow is not

Flow has nothing to do with not worrying about a good result, irresponsibly as if saying: “Don’t worry, everything will be fine” , says Jose while spending the money on his baby’s food  in drugs.

When you negligently allow things to happen to you without clarity or a sense of creativity, moving haphazardly in every way, you will create a sense of mistrust and doubt. You see too many options and you think you are not able to distinguish which decision is the best to make. Then you start blaming yourself and others, pretending that your actions are maybe the right ones, even knowing that other people will be negatively affected …

Why Flow?

Flow is the natural way of living that our neighbors in nature display with total faith, as if they had decided that the only option they have is to be happy … and flow.
Birds know how to build their nests and what kind of insects must eat; ants know how to build tunnels and delegate activities; and if you go to our internal organs, they also know how to be: the heart beats as it takes filtered oxygen through our lungs to pump it for miles of blood vessels that oxygenate our bodies.
Everything points to the truth that flow allows us to live a wonderful life, full of creativity, coherence, connection with the Source.

How can I believe in the flow?

If you ask yourself the question above, that means that you are too interested in analyzing and asking for scientific evidence and explanations to accept that there is something called flow.
In fact, I think this constant willingness to want to know how and why can block our ability to just be in the full sense of the word …
For example: how long does it take you skip to a pool? One second. Exactly.
And how long does it take you decide jump into that pool? Well, even if you’re next door, it can take you 20 years to do it, if you’re full of questions and non-answers that keep you from simply jumping.
Flow is that internal feeling that makes us feel a ahhhh…I feel so good..., hand in hand with intuition, connecting with the act of creating …; It is a feeling of positive creativity that makes your cells expand, opening the space between cells so that the light that created you, created us , flows in your system, as oxygen flows in our veins and arteries.
It is that precise moment in which It is not possible to complain, criticize or judge … you are flowing in the river of peace, gratitude, wow … provoking your health, wealth and well-being while being extremely contagious.

How do I know I’m in the flow?

You only know . Your smile encompasses everything and anything. Feel s the greatness within  nothing and everything.
There is no sense of doubt, and nothing can make you feel anxious or aggressive.
On the contrary, you can feel the flow between you and others, as smiles melt everywhere driven by yours and hugs just happen.
Ahhhh …

How can I get into the flow?

 By not criticizing or judging yourself or others … and living in the absolute now.
VLiving in the now means not giving yourself time to create problems or worries. In order to exist, a problem needs time to exist, in the past or in the future. But being in the present moment the problems cannot be conceived.
This is not easy to do if you live in a metropolis where achieving, producing, changing the world and leading is a must to be successful.
This is what you will need if you are not already in the flow in the flow

  • Know that your body is a gift from Source so that you have a vehicle to transport yourself on Mother Earth. As such, you feel a boundless love for him, investing whatever it takes to ensure his health and well-being
  • Sleep in gratitude and appreciation for a day of service to you from this divine vehicle
  • Eat food nutritious, aappreciating the benefits that your body will receive, thanking the food providers and Mother Earth for each bite
  • Move your body thanking each bone, muscle, blood vessel, organ … realizing that we are all a miracle machine
  • Speak kindly, allowing generous, inclusive and celebratory thoughts
  • Observe and appreciate Mother Earth in every flower, bird, insect, clouds, mountains … communicate
    with  them consciously … and smiles appreciatively. Do the same with your internal organs … appreciating their incredible work, all meant for you to breathe …
  • Celebrate, celebrate, celebrate

Can I just flow and be successful?

Flow in the flow it is the success.
When you flow, already  it’s not about you, but everything is through you by the Creator. In this state of flow you will reach destinations that you did not even know existed, with effortless effort, living every moment in the absolute Now.
When you flow, things just happen to you. Like for me to be an international interpreter alone me pasó; have the most admired husband it happened to me; s er writer and speaker it happened to me .; become a mom it happened to me;  be a founder of Villas Xichu Oasis de Felicidad it happened to me. Be an award-winning global happiness ambassador simply it happened to me …
Becoming a Dubai-based lander, simply it happened to me …
What’s next, I wonder?
Whatever it is, I know that what follows is as magnificent as my now, this now in which I share with you my experience with life.
Everything just happens in the direction of your dreams; dreams you know what are your dreams and clearly decree them.

When to flow?

Just like the river does not ask when it is convenient to flow and it flows all the time, in the same way, it only flows at all times.
What fun!

Are you ready to just flow?

There is a lot of material on the Internet that will “teach” you what Flow is, offering you scientific proof of everything. From books to webinars, workshops and podcasts.
On this platform no I visit that sacred space, appreciating all the researchers who patiently brought science to be at our service.
In this happy space I just flow in gentleness and appreciation, which is the world I live in now.
Yes, for 16 years I lived in the world of victims where everyone was there to catch me, causing anxiety and therefore illness for years.
The only thing that got me out of there and onto the platform great of me , therefore great all , was to apply that unshakable faith that everything alone is.
Just be in the knowledge, know that everything is fine.

Come let’s flow!

In the following photos, I share with you how I flow and shine , infecting whoever is around me … including you!
Together, let’s spark our ongoing health, wealth, and well-being.

Stop accumulating knowledge

Let the flow flow.

Just do it…

Jump into the pool; no more analyzing or preparing to jump in the pool …

Enjoy the trip.

Your trip!

Gloria .

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